Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 4 класс

Материал опубликован 30 October 2019 в группе

Итоговая контрольная работа за 4 класс


1. Look, read and choose.



2. Match the words.

1. go

2. visit

3. cook

4. drink

5. travel to

6. listen

7. paint

8. watch

a. to music

b. lunch

c. a picture

d. tea

e. grandparents

f. Spain

g. to museum

h. TV


2. Read and choose.

1. How____ olive oil do you need?

A many B much

2. Tom is the____ singer.

A best B better

3. Jack ____the race and he was very happy.

A win B won

4. ______ I play outside, please?

A May B Have to

5. You _____ to be quiet in the class.

A has to B have to

6. She ____to the museum every day.

A is going B goes

7. Harry is going to _____ to Greece this summer.

A go B going

8. Lulu drew a picture two days ____ .

A last B ago

9. You ______feed the animals at the zoo.

A must B mustn’t

10. _______ play volleyball yesterday?

A You did B Did you


3. Read and choose.

1. What does he look like?

A He’s tall and thin.

B He’s bored.

2. Can I have a bottle of Coke?

A Here you are.

B That’s great.

3. When did you visit your grandmother?

A Tomorrow.

B Last Sunday.

4. Where is Kate going to go on holiday?

A Go camping.

B To Spain.

5. How do you get to school?

A By car.

B Every morning.


5. Tom and his Dad are on holiday in Great Britain! Read and write yes or no.

Dear Alex,

My Dad and I are having a great time here in Great Britain. The weather is hot and sunny.

Yesterday we went to a museum. Then we ate lunch in a café next to the river. I love British food! We ate fish and chips for lunch. In the afternoon we went shopping and I bought a T-shirt with a picture of Big Ben on it.

Tomorrow we are going to walk in the park. Parks are great in London! Then we are going to see Big Ben and Dad is going to take some photos of me. I can’t wait!

Anyway, bye for now.

Lots of love,


Tom and his Dad are in Great Britain now.

The weather is rainy.

They went to the park yesterday.

Tom bought jeans.

They are going to see Big Ben tomorrow.

6*. Put the words into correct order to make sentences.

She / long fair hair/ has got /.

is /He/ now /sailing /.

A postman /works /at /a post office.

A doctor /helps/ sick/ people.

There/ much/milk / isn’t/ in the kitchen.

There / a lot of / are/ oranges /in the fridge.

is/ bigger/ than /a lizard /A kangaroo/.

mustn’t/ You / go to bed /late.

was /I / sad /yesterday.

last /We /stayed /at home / night.

the party/ Did /you/ go/ to yesterday?

last /Where /did /Peter/ go/ weekend.

student /Jim /was/ the best/ in the class.

to Greece /I /am /going /to go / this summer.

Moscow/ It /will be/ sunny /in / tomorrow.

Пояснительная записка

Итоговая контрольная работа за 4 класс разработана к УМК «Spotlight 4». Включает в себя задания на несколько типов речевой деятельности:

Vocabulary (max 18)

Grammar (max 10)

Communication (max 5)

Reading (max 5)

Итого: 38 баллов

Оценивание контрольной работы происходит по следующим критериям:

Оценка «3» От 50% до 69% (19-26)

Оценка «4» От 70% до 90% (27- 34)

Оценка «5» От 91% до 100% (35-38)

Также, в контрольную работу включено задание повышенного уровня (№6*), где ученикам предлагается расставить слова в правильном порядке в предложении. В итоговый балл не включено.




1 B

2 A

3 B

4 B

5 A

6 B

7 A

8 B

9 A

10 A


1 G

2 E

3 B

4 D

5 F

6 A

7 C

8 H



1 B

2 A

3 B

4 A

5 B

6 B

7 A

8 B

9 B

10 B



1 A

2 A

3 B

4 B

5 A



1 Yes

2 No

3 No

4 No

5 Yes

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